Since the last time we wrote Abby has had a number of adventures. Abby had her first camping adventure at Interstate Park near Taylor Falls in June. She loved playing with the dogs and hanging out with all of our camping friends. We ended up staying one night and that was enough for me. Abby loved the wilderness so much that she did not really want to sleep in it. She wanted to be a part of all the fun.

Abby and Wendy camping
July 5th is when we determined that we had an official walker on our hands. Abby became very quick and Bill and I had to watch wear we placed out glass, phones, ipads, and any electronics that Abby would like to through in the toilet. So far the only thing we had to get out of the toilet is Katie’s car keys, license and check card.
Abby on the deck.
July 9th I finally got Abby her first haircut. I could not believe the transformation. Prior to getting her haircut Abby had a reverse bob that was very trendy but she did have all of her really fine baby hair. I think the haircut made her look more like a toddler to me.
First Haircut!
Abby with Grandma.

Abby with Grandma.
In the end of July Abby was lucky enough to have her Grandma and Granddad Kinney come for a visit. She loved going on walk, visiting Como Zoo, Eagle’s Nest indoor play park, going swimming at the pool, and spending time with family. Abby really enjoyed walking and seemed to have mastered it.
Abby walking at the park.
Abby with Granddad.

Abby walking at the park.

Abby with Granddad.
August 3rd we had a neighborhood block party where we had an opportunity to connect with our neighbors and catch up. Abby especially loves dogs these days. She gets so excited when she seems them that she points and says “whoo, whoo.” Abby had fun with bubbles and meeting some new friends on the block.
In August Abby was a social butterfly. She had Katie’s friends Sheri and Evy visit. Abby went to go visit Jack and Bridget in Wisconsin, and Ethan and Mandy came to play in the park. Abby really loves being social with other people. She is an excellent sharer and always up for new adventures.
Abby with Evy
At the State Fair
The end of August we visited Sea Life Minnesota at the Mall of America. Abby loved pointing at all the fish, octopuses, turtles, and sharks. It was very exciting to have such a fun adventure so close to home.
Overall, we have had a wonderful summer swimming in the pools, playing the parks, going for walks.
Abby now has 12 teeth- WOW – 4 of these are molars.
Abby’s vocabulary consist of:
Daddy, Mommy, Kitty, Hi ,Bye, Bubbles, Bottle, Up, Down, No, Yes, Chicky (Abby’s daycare provider), EI-EI-O, Grapes, Milk, All Done. (We're sure there's more, she's a little parrot these days.)