On April 29th Bill and I prepared to go to the hospital. Bill and we made sure we had everything for the hospital. We got into the car and Bill realized he did not have our camera. Frantically Bill searched for either of our camera’s and had no luck. Katie ended back going back into the house and finding the camera on the dining room table under a bag. Finally we were off to hospital. We had to wait for 2 emergency cesareans to be completed.

We went into the operating room and shortly after at 10:55am Abigail Elizabeth Kinney arrived weighing 9 lbs 2 oz and measuring 20 ½ inches. Bill went with Abigail to get cleaned up and captured a video of her opening her eyes for the first time. After Abigail was cleaned up Bill introduced her to Katie and was off to the nursery with her while Katie went into recovery.

In the hospital we had the opportunity to have some professional photos taken. We feel they turned out great!!! Bill began coming up with nicknames for our beautiful daughter such as Baby Burrito and Beeb’s.

We spent 3 days in the hospital and were elated to have many visitors welcome Abigail into this world. Thank you very much for the friends and family that were able to come to the hospital. We loved showing off our beautiful baby girl.

Bill and Katie’s work sent the most beautiful arrangements to our house. Katie received an edible arrangement and Bill received a magnificent flowers arrangement with the cutest pink vase with baby feet from their work.

Abigail was welcome home and Katie and Bill were truly in awe of the beautiful bundle of joy that they have added to our family.
Here are a couple of Abigail’s first~
On Tuesday May 4th Abigail travelled to the airport in the car to pick up her first out of state visitor- Cindy Kinney arrived and Abigail has a change to meet Grandma Kinney.

On Wednesday May 5th- Abigail went to her first restaurant with Uncle Rob, Grandma Kinney, Mom and Dad. For Cinco de Mayo we went to Pepito’s.

On Thursday May 6th Abigail had her first doctor’s appointment at Children’s Clinic.