Since we last updated, Abby has increased her motor skill and loves to put everything in her mouth. She loves to kick, reach, and grab for toys. She has now rolled over from front to back and back to front. Once she does roll over she is not able to roll back so sometime Abby will fuss once she accomplished this. She is doing really well at holding up her head these days. We are very proud of our growing girl.

New excitement came as we removed the hammock from Abby’s bath and now she can kick and splash more than ever in her baby tub. Abby loves to play and splash around. This often involves squealing in delight. After she gets out of the bath we show Abby herself in the mirror and she smiles.
Abby attended her first bridal shower for Tara this month. She had a great time getting shared with Tara’s friends and family. Another first for Abby was the great American Get Together. Bill, Katie and Abby went to the Minnesota State Fair on a record setting date for attendance. We met Tom, Mandy, Ethan, and Jessica at the fair. Ethan and Abby looked adorable as they wore cute hats.

Abby has been growing so much this last month. We went to our 4 month check up and she is now 15 pounds 13 ounces, 25 and 3/8 inches long, and has a 17 inch head. She did a great job at her check up and is continuing to be a very happy and healthy baby.
In September Abigail had many adventures. She went to her first wedding outside the womb. Bill, Katie and Abby went to Tara and Gannet’s wedding and had a wonderful time. Abigail is a fantastic job during the wedding and then flirting with all the guests during dinner.

Abigail was lucky enough to be able to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa Nelson. They took very good care of Abigail for a week when our day care was closed. Abigail enjoyed reading stories, going for walks, singing, and loving her grandparents.
Abigail also likes to have conference calls with Grandma and Grandad Kinney in North Carolina. Skype makes it so easy!

Abigail is working very hard to move herself around. Mostly she rolls from side to side. She has gotten exceptionally good at reaching for toys she wants. She appears to want to crawl and continues to work at it. She is teething it seems as we have had more fussy nights, drooling and everything is going into her mouth. Abby is growing more and more each day.
Abby began eating rice cereal now that she is 5 months old. She is becoming more familiar with the texture and learning how to eat with a spoon. She enjoys getting her dinner all over her face, arms, and bib. Thank goodness bath time is one of our favorite activities. She's also eating squash, green beans and sweet potatoes.

Bill's gotten a head start on introducing Abby to the trauma of being a Minnesota Sports fan. She's been startled a few times by dad's enthusiasm for the games.

1 comments on "Abby's 5 months!"
Overall, a great feeling vibrator however I wish they would dildoes have included a single button more to regulate the intensity. I received to admit that the stimulation was little overwhelming at first but the completely different settings make it easy to adjust. The stimulation intensity can also be|may also be|can be} adjusted by the pressure you placed on it whenever you maintain it.
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